Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Personal Heaven

Based on the numerous times I've uttered the phrase "I'm in heaven" in the past few weeks, I can now imagine that my personal heaven would contain, at the very least, the following:

  • A picnic on a sunny day

  • Fresh fruit

  • A library of books that I could read without interruption - best with sunny armchair, fireplace, and couch.

  • A kitten amenable to cuddling and purring (this goes well with the library above)

  • Andrew

  • Talented musicians who actually enjoy playing/singing for the fun of it

  • A home in Brooklyn Heights

  • A highway, a fast car, and good music blasting

  • A comfy bed that I don't have to get out of unless I want to

  • Root beer floats

  • A dance floor, a good band, and a room full of partners (but especially Andrew)

  • A garden I don't have to weed

  • A glass of merlot

  • ...make that a wine cellar (it is heaven, after all)

  • Friends and family, especially the ones that make me laugh