Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Space Between

I joke that I have been a total waste of a human being this week and, as you know, most of my jokes are based on truth.

When Andrew changed jobs in May, he went to Ireland for a week. What did I do? Well, first, I had a wisdom tooth removed (sounds like an equal trade there, right?). I figured this would really make me a waste of a human being for a while so I made no plans for the days following. Turns out it was no big deal, so I've gone to the opera, taken a flexibility class, cleaned, read, and spent lots of time playing Civ IV and cuddling with my adorable kitten, who likes to sleep and watch TV as much as I do. With only two days left, I'm worried that I'm not making the most of this time. I'm also having a hard time convincing myself that I'm really not going back to NYCO on Monday.

So, to help me part with my old job, I hope you all (yes, all 2 of you who read this blog) will humor me with a trip down memory lane as I sum-up my favorite accomplishments at NYCO.
  • I wrote the NYCO blog from January until October 30th
  • I managed the youtube, facebook, and myspace pages, including elements of their design and all the content. Yes, that list of youtube videos featuring the Muppets singing opera was all me
  • I produced all the videos and podcasts we made. My favorite one is the Don Giovanni behind-the-scenes video (so hot!)
  • I survived working in a basement...of a construction site...with my desk in a hallway for the better part of two years
It's nice to know that among the tasks that disappear as soon as they're finished, like customer service and processing bills and all the minutia of the job, I have a body of work I can point to and say "I did that." I'll tie these up with a little bow and know that they're there when I need to remember the cooler aspects of working at an opera house.

So now to look forward. I have lots to do before I'm ready to start at Patch on Monday, not the least of which is filling out the rest of my starting paperwork and making sure I have respectable clothes to wear (it's amazing how much your standards slip when you've got construction workers walking past your desk all the time). I may find the time and energy to go dancing or take a dance class. I'm blocking myself from Civ IV today but the kitten looks awfully cuddly....

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