The great philosopher, Homer Simpson, once said:
"Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
Though I may someday dedicate a post to the validity of this quote on its merits, today it makes me think of another aspect of my life: my Fraternity.
Most of my faithful readers either know about or are in this wonderful organization which has been providing service to music communities across the country for more than 80 years. I'm very proud to be a Brother and much of the past 8 years of my life has been defined in some way by my involvement with it.
This morning I was driven up the wall by the actions of a number of my Brothers. I would almost believe it if someone told me there is a conspiracy to make my last three weeks as a National Vice President difficult just so I'll feel better about retiring.
But, like with Homer and alcohol, the best solution to my frustration with Brothers is...Brothers. A few IM chats and phone calls with people I am lucky to have in my life have reminded me that I wouldn't know them at all without this Fraternity. I'm amazed that it's after 6pm, I'm still at work, and I consider this to be a good day.
So thank you, my Brothers: the cause of, and solution to, half of my problems.