Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Take that, World

Yesterday wasn't a bad day; I was being praised at work, I was productive (always a good word in my vocabulary) and nothing was really wrong besides the tedious meeting near the end of my day and my body's ache from skiing this weekend. Still, as I made my way through the crowded subways home I was irritable and tired. I imagined walking in the door, hugging Andrew, and then promptly going to bed.

I did not expect Andrew to have a bouquet of flowers waiting for me, or a dish of red hots set out for me with a card he'd written, or a load of laundry whirring away in the background. (I know I'm a bit over-domestic when laundry is just as sure a way to my heart as red hots). In the second it took me to walk over the threshold from the outside world to our home, my night had completely changed.

We celebrated a belated Valentine's, complete with takeout and a movie (Paris, Je t'aime--which we both love).

Usually the cartoon above reminds me that doing things for other people is a way of getting back at the world's casual indifference to you. By making someone else smile, you've shown that you're not at the mercy of whatever life throws your way. I think Andrew was having a bit of a "Take that, world" evening himself. Lucky me.

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