More than ten years ago, I became a witch. Now, the next logical question for anyone who's ever seen the Wizard of Oz is, "well Chrissy, are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"
My answer, which Dorothy would never have given Glinda, is "that depends on how you're measuring." You see, I'm the Wiccan equivalent of the Christian who only goes to church for Christmas and Easter, or the Jew who skips the fasting holidays but observes the feasting. Most of the time I don't know what phase the moon is in, I don't grow lavender for luck, and I certainly don't cast spells wearing nothing but a pointy hat, but of all the religions I researched all those years ago, Wicca made the most sense to me. By that measure, I guess you could say I'm a bad witch (though by no means, I hope, a bad person).
Samhain approaches. It's the Wiccan new year, though this is not why it's so important to me (after all, I forget half of the holidays during the year). It's important to me because it's my new year. October is always a time of transition in my life and this year that is especially true. Andrew and I have gone through our first year-and-a-day of marriage, which was more of a milestone to me than I allowed myself to admit at the time. I'm transitioning careers. I feel older and maybe I even dare say wiser this year. I feel like I'm growing up in ways I can't quite measure or express, but I know they're there.
This year we're celebrating with a Twisted Tea Party (think Alice in Wonderland). Though we've got lots of fun twists to go with the theme, as in years past, I'll serve apples and meat dishes, setting a place for those I've lost, I'll light candles and read people's fortunes, and make a resolution for the new year. It's going to be a great time.
The reason Wiccans celebrate Samhain is because we know that as the days get shorter and the harvest is reaped, next year's life is already getting started. Wicca is full of symbols that understand the dual nature of things, that life and death or darkness and light are not opposites, but two sides of the same coin. I can feel my life churning in ways I don't yet comprehend, but change is happening. I can't wait to meet it.